Tag Archives: racial justice

From DC to Detroit, Queer and Trans Activists Making the Connection to Social Justice

Thanks to everyone who helped make the film screening, Trans Pride, the youth cookout and all the other summer events such a success so far! We hope the rest of the summer is just as productive. DCTC has a lot of exciting campaigns, events and projects in the works, so stayed tuned.

We know a lot of our friends and supporters are just getting back from the 2nd annual US Social Forum in Detroit, where over 15,000 community organizers gathered to discuss strategy and vision for building a strong social justice movement. DCTC was an anchor organization for the Greater DC People’s Assembly, one of over 50 such assemblies from across the country that brought our local priorities to the national forum. The DC People’s Assembly resolution was one of the few to mention “that transphobia and homophobia divide our communities, cause widespread suffering and intersect with other systems of oppression to fuel vast social and economic inequalities throughout the world” and to explicitly include the needs of trans communities.  We hope you’ll read the full resolution.

Also, check out the Queer and Trans Peoples’ Resolution for the Safe Self- Determination of Our People, assembled by the Queer and Trans Peoples’ Movement Assembly at the US  Social Forum. As detailed in a new report from Queers for Economic Justice (“A Fabulous Attitude: Low Income LGBTGNC People Surviving & Thriving on Love, Knowledge & Shelter”), issues like poverty, homelessness and immigration all impact trans and LGBQ people. It’s very exciting to hear back from our friends in Detroit that more and more queer and trans activists are beginning to prioritize issues of social and racial justice!

Back in DC, on Friday July 9th at St. Stephens Church (1525 Newton St NW) from 7-9pm, the DC Childcare Collective is hosting a discussion called “A Better DC is Possible!” The panel will discuss ways to bring people together to create a more just DC and will feature representatives from organizations like Empower DC and the Latino Economic Development Corporation. (Childcare provided; Refreshments to follow; $10 donation requested, no one turned away due to lack of funds). DCTC was originally scheduled to appear at this event but has had to cancel. We still encourage all of our friends to come out, support these other awesome groups and keep including trans communities in these crucial discussions!